April 11, 2020

3 Essential Habits While Social Distancing

I was made for this.

That's what I choose to believe as we navigate a global pandemic. Cancelled plans? Nothing new. Living in the unknown? Welcome to our lives. Wearing many hats? It's in our job description. Social isolation? Déjà vu. Does that mean this situation doesn't stink? Absolutely not. But when I stop and think about it, I feel grateful that my experiences navigating military life have trained me to handle these kinds of situations with grace and grit.

Although I'm still working, (#essentialemployee) I'm making a conscious effort to keep my mental health in check when I am home and in isolation mode with three simple tasks.


I start each day by listing three things I'm grateful for and my daily intention. Then I brain dump anything that's bothering me or worries I've been carrying around. This simple, five minute task allows me to start my day on a positive note and with a clean slate.


For me, exercise is my refuge. It's a place I can let go of everything else going on and focus on my breathing, let out frustrations, and center myself. Sometimes it's a simple walk around my neighborhood and other times it's an intense, sweaty routine. Either way, I always feel 10x better after I've intentionally moved my body for the day.


Extra stress equals extra rest! Adequate sleep is mandatory for me function and quarantine is no exception. While I think it's important we don't sit on the couch all day long, I also think it's equally important to allow our bodies to rest. Remember those days you spent carting your kids around to their sports events? How about all those appointments you had to go to? And your endless days of work, eat, sleep, repeat? We have been given a rare opportunity to slow down - something life rarely gives - embrace it before it's gone!

How are you staying sane during the pandemic?

- xoxo -

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